Skin Lesion Removal in Peshawar & Mardan Glamorous Clinic

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is a series of complex connective tissues that are arranged in different layers to respond against different genetic physical or hormonal imbalances. whenever for any reason a specific part of the skin changes its color, appearance, or growth outward in the form of moles, warts, lumps, etc these conditions either harmful or harmless need to be treated and there are multiple ways of removing those lesions to restore skin according to its natural look are referred as Skin Lesion Removal in Peshawar & Mardan. they might be surgical or nonsurgical depending on the type or complexity of the symptom. some go by traditional means of removal and some need surgery.


Depending on the type of skin like a mole, wart, lump, freckle, skin tag, sunburn, cyst, pimple, new skin growth, plump, nodule or any skin allergy different treatment plans have been set to encounter the issue. mostly skin lesions are not harmful or cancerous but to stop the growth of skin lesions following treatment are being used

  • Topical medication
  • Laser therapy
  • Surgical removal

Results of Skin Lesion Removal:

Results of all treatment plans are remarkably outstanding instant or long lasting because skin majorly suffers from harmless skin whatever treatment is to be chosen always give safe results.

Ideal Candidates:

Ideal candidates are those

  • Those who have abnormal skin growth
  • Who are suffering from any skin allergy 
  • Those having outgrowth in the form of moles, warts, lumps, or nodules
  • Those having skin allergies due to systemic issues
  • People having severe sunburn, freckles, birthmarks, or skin tags
  • Who wants to bring changes due to cosmetic concern
  • Who have positive expectations toward the procedure

Pre Procedure:

  • Stop taking medications that cause bleeding like anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Do not make it on the day of treatment
  • Wear soft garments
  • Do not wax cleanse or scrub the area to be treated
  • Do not use perfumes or deodorants
  • Try to put off jewelry items on the day of treatment
  • Schedule proper consultation with the doctor to discuss symptoms and the particular treatment that should be taken against that


Depending on the type of lesion and the procedure prescribed by the doctor following procedures are being practiced 

  • Topical application: your healthcare doctor will prescribe you a topical application in the form of antibiotic ointment to remove the lesion.
  • Laser Therapy: it is a safe and minimally invasive procedure involving the use of a specific beam of light to target the lesion without affecting the surrounding skin.
  • Surgical Removal: it is the safe and last line of choice used to trigger lesions in which extra growth of skin cells develops resulting in cutting of the area removal of skin tag is done it may require anesthesia.


To avoid the reoccurrence of the same issue again aftercare must be followed as prescribed like

  • Avoid using alcohol or different medications that cause bleeding
  • Do not apply topical application cream lotions gel or makeup
  • Avoid sun exposure or heated areas
  • Do not take a bath, avoid swimming 
  • Avoid harsh exercise
  • Do not lift heavy objects
  • Wear safe garments 
  • Do not put pressure or Avoid rubbing the area treated


Benefits include

  • Removal procedures are painless
  • They are safe and effective 
  • They give long-lasting result 
  • Removal helps boost confidence
  • It makes the skin free of flaws and enhances beauty
  • They only target the affected cell without causing damage to the surrounding cells
  • Results are permanent and durable
  • All removal techniques have less recovery time


  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness

Cost of Skin Lesion Removal:

The cost of the procedure always varies depending on the type of lesson the procedure is prescribed either surgical or non surgical the chemical product used test done hospital charges appointment charges or the location of the clinic.

Why Choose Us?

We play a major role in delivering all skin-related procedures using modern equipment in the presence of highly trained practitioners to ensure the safety and efficacy of the procedure.

Book An Appointment:

If you want to get free of skin lesions to make your skin look natural and flawless visit our team of expert dermatologists to understand more about Skin Lesion Removal in Peshawar & Mardan at Glamorous Aesthetic Clinic.